Ad|Some Services and Products Gifted. I still can’t believe that it’s taken me until now to visit an entire continent, but tomorrow I’ll be in Thailand! To say I am excited but apprehensive would be accurate. I’m maintaining a positive mindset and telling myself everything will be fine. But, considering on my last holiday I did my hip in playing ping pong . I’ve also burst blood vessels in my eyes from blowing up an inflatable flamingo before now, the risks of something happening is high! To mitigate them I am planning ahead, putting in that travel prep to make sure I have done everything to avoid the worst! I thought sharing it with you could help as it took me a while to figure out everything I needed to do and I do like a good list to refer back to!
Far flung destinations= foreign diseases that could be life threatening. I’ve always researched on any jabs needed for holidays outside of Europe as part of my travel prep and this was no different. Except I popped along for a (gifted) appointment* with Clari Health in Leeds* to save me the leg work of researching it all myself. An appointment costs £15 (mine was gifted to give the service a go.) You fill in a form prior so your consultant can prepare everything you may need. Once there they chat to you about what vaccinations are recommended and other health advice from how to get water, how to avoid insects and what not. It was so worth while as put me at ease with any worries I had and gave me the info on what vaccines I needed for Thailand to take away and consider what I wanted to have to protect myself. Travel prep at its finest.
Repelling Insects
Insects see me and all their Christmases have come at once. To them I’m a 5 course meal and two desserts to boot. I don’t know what it is that they love about me! My blood type isn’t one they love in particular. I douse myself in various repellants and yet still they find a place to bite me. So I’ve upped my travel prep by stocking up on my The Eye insect repellant bands to wear. I use the adjustable ones with a buckle as it’s much easier to loosen off In the heat. I usually just take them off for photos. But in the one below you get Apple Watch and Insect Band in one photo! Clari Health also recommended a new insect repellant spray that I’ve also picked up and will report back on. And I’m going perfume free and using an unscented deo.

Stomach Bugs
If there’s one thing that’s sensitive about me, it’s my stomach. So to help prevent me spending a day in bed (or worse on the loo) I’ll be avoiding all red meat, and most meat and fish too as these seem to be the worst. I hear Thailand is fab for vegetarian and even vegan food so I’ll be taking advantage of that. I’ve also packed allll the travel remedies too- anti diarrhoea tablets and rehydration sachets are go! My case looks like a massive Boots right now! Water wise I’ll be taking my own bottle to refill and buying large, sealed water from reputable places to refill.

Sun Protection
Of course everywhere needs sun protection so I’ve stocked up on Lancaster Velvet Milk Sun Cream and treated myself to my fave ever Eucerin transparent sun spray. It’s my absolute fave but pretty hard to find nowadays. Thank goodness Feel Unique stock it so I picked it up from there. I’ll also be using Origins Tinted moisturiser on my fave and Balmi spf balm on my lips too so no where is forgotten.
Beach Essentials
I’ve been sent a Tesalate towel* to try out for the beaches we will visit on the last leg of our trip. It’s fab as it’s super small and lightweight meaning it doesn’t take up that all important room that I need so much in my case! It claims to be double absorbent, sand free AND drying time is halved so we will see!
Frizz Protection
So although not as serious as the other points here my hair is Monica Geller Levels when it comes to humidity. I’ll report back on things I use whilst out there. But for preparation I’ve used this Hask hair mask in orchid and white truffle. It smells amazing! Almost perfume like (I’m thinking it reminds me of a Viktor and Rolf scent.) it really moisturises too! It managed to keep frizz at bay on my Barcelona trip so here’s to hoping it combats 80%+ humidity! Fingers crossed. If it get braids with shells at the ends you’ll know it didn’t.
Theres so much more I’ve done to prep like eyebrow dying (Maybelline Tattoo Brow), finding a decent waterproof mascara (Essence £3.29), topping up my pedicure (lilac and teal leopard print), scrubbing my body (Soap and Glory) and of course outfit planning. So tell me how do you prepare for your holidays!?
*Indicates an event/experience I was invited to as a blogger. I may also receive gifts as part of the event for consideration of review after. As always thoughts and opinions are my own. Post may contain affiliate links. For further details please refer to my PR and Disclaimer Page in the menu above