This summer was a busy one, with a trip to Paris in May, Wales in June, Barcelona in July, my best friends wedding in August and my father in law’s 60th and Lauren’s wedding in September it was non stop! So when I said I needed more than a couple of days away in the sun we struggled to find a decent amount of time to actually get away for. So we settled for October and crossed our fingers and toes for good weather. Surprisingly there were multiple benefits to going late in the season so here’s why I think we will be doing the same next year!
1. It’s cheaper
Of corse this has to be the main reason doesn’t it!? If you avoid the obvious choice of the Canary Islands for an October jolly then most other locations are much cheaper as they wind down for the season. The hotel we stayed at costs 50% more for two weeks (£1000 for two) on the 5th July vs the 5th October next year.
2. You can explore more
Less busy means it’s much easier to get lost in the old towns and visitor attractions than in peak summer. When we visited Oia in Santorini it was still so busy, but would be far worse in August and a lot more unbearable to walk around too
3. The heat is bearable
Luke gets incredibly bad heat rash so we can’t go somewhere for 35 degree plus weather and actually sit and relax in the sun. The fact we had 22-27 degree weather meant we could sit in the sun most days without getting too hot. The fact that we did have that weather was fab and meant in the day it was still sunbathing weather and meant I got a good tan because I wasn’t sat in the shade all day like I have to in hotter weather.
4. My hair stayed frizz Free
Nuff said there really I feel. I HATE holiday hair
5. Mosquitos were not to be found
I got three bites in a week, compare that to my last trip to Corfu when I was younger and got 20+ and even had them buzzing in my ear! I was well made up with this!
6. Escaping the UK cold weather
Knowing everyone is wearing jumpers back home when you’re on a subdued in your bikini is pretty darn nice. Not that great when you fly back in your vest and shorts to single digit temps though!
Have you ever gone on a short haul holiday in Autumn? What’s your thoughts on it?