Did you have snow at the weekend?! We did when I was in Leeds on Saturday night and it settled! Now,I like a bit of snow if I’ve got no where to go but considering I needed to get home I did start to worry a little! Luckily Mr E was driving and the roads had been gritted well, so it was only getting out of the car park that was a little scary! We just had a dusting when we got home so was a bit disappointing really. It was still blooming cold though so all I wanted to do was snuggle and keep cosy!
So I grabbed my slippers, fleecy jama’s, blankie and colouring book and got relaxing. As I did this I realised I’d never shared this set of photos of my favourite part of our Castleton Cottage, the window seat. I’d been sent the perfect winter package by Wynsors Shoes * and I was so glad of the slippers as the tiled floors in the kitchen and bathroom were cold even when the house was warm so these grey furry boot style ones with a bit of sparkle were perfect for the trip! As were my fleecy pyjamas I bought from George at ASDA before my trip, I loved the cuff style bottoms as it meant they don’t look too short and they keep the warmth in rather than escaping out the bottom!!
I sat on the window for most of Saturday afternoon with my colouring book just watching the rain fall down, being ever so glad I was in the warmth of the log burner.
I also spent most of Sunday afternoon there too this time with a book just relaxing, it was so comfy and cosy it made me wonder how I could get one in my house. When it got dark though I retreated to directly in front of the fire, to truly keep my toes toasty!
Yesterday though I just had to settle with the sofa at home but at least I had my other comforts to feel snuggled, including the jazzy blanket that was in my Wynsors gift!
Do you run outside as soon as it snows or are you like me and like to watch from the warmth of inside?
*snuggly things provided by Wynsors, Cottage and Fire by Sykes. All snuggly and relaxing thoughts and views are my own.