I’m adding another dimension to this blog- check out my post before this for more info, but the traveller in me has made this year about ticking things off my travel bucket list:


Last year I went to Barcelona on a hen do and promised I’d take Mr E there this year so he could experience it too. From tapas to die for and glorious architecture I really can’t wait to go back!

Architecture and a beach what more could Barcelona offer (TAPAS is what, drooool)

This has got to happen! I’m saving frantically to ensure we can visit later this year as its my dream destination. The views from and of this island are unreal, and I’ve never managed to visit as it’s become more popular it’s also become more luxurious and equally more pricey, so lots of pennies are needed! My friend gets married here in late August and although we can’t make the wedding (we have another the day before which is my brother in law’s!) I’d love to make a trip to the island shortly after to celebrate with her. That’s where the tagging of the fab Icelolly.com #SendMeAway competition comes in where there’s a chance to win £1000 plus a fab Olympus PEN Camera. Worth a shot I feel. I’m tagging Rachel Nicole, Bee and Chloe Mary to enter quick sharpish too as it ends today!


Can Santorini rival this fabulous Menorcian view? I need to find out!


There’s loads of places I’d like to visit in the UK too, Bath is one of them and after seeing this post from Love From Lucky on the Harrington Hotel,  I think I’ve found the hotel to go to!


I so want to go and see the beaches and fauna of the Caribbean. Seeing my fave artist Shakka out in Dominica for their carnival has really given me itchy feet to go visit! I’d like to see a number of islands though so I’m thinking a cruise. Is not just for the old folk you know!! I’d love to do this around new year next year so I’m away for my 35th birthday but we will see!

Happiest when I’m in warm water!

Also on my list and already planned are London and Sheffield (I want to explore places near me like a tourist!) so you have these to look forward to! What’s on your travel list for this year? Or have you been where I want to go and can give me some tips? Let me know below,

Love, Lucy