Ad|Contains Gifts (and non-gifts!). Chafing or Chub Rub, whatever you want to call it, can be a right pain in the arse. Well, more like thighs actually. It’s not just exclusive to plus size people I can vouch for that. I’ve always talked about being varying sizes from being younger to now. But I have always had fairly narrow hips and chunky thighs which meant chafing. The first time I remember really suffering was on our honeymoon. We were on a cruise in mid-July with scorching temperatures. All the shore excursions meant we did a LOT of walking. Luckily cycling shorts had made an appearance back on the scene nine years ago! So I managed to bag me a pair of light grey lace edged ones from H&M in Florence to help me the rest of the trip.
Luckily there are lots of products out there nowadays that can help prevent chafing, so lace edged cycle shorts aren’t needed! I often see queries from people online on what the best out there is- so here’s my two-penneth on the subject, because much like those cycle shorts, it’s not one size fits all!
Anti Chafing Shorts
There are a few products around in this market. Let’s be clear though, they aren’t shapewear! Most are made with lightweight materials to help stop sweating as well as stopping the chafing. Support Shorts or Shapewear are often thicker and not what you want to be wearing when the temperature rises. Cycling shorts can also have the same effect as a lot thicker and generate sweat too. No one wants a sweaty crotch do they!? (Or gooch soup as Luke and his mates call it – rank). Anyways crudeness aside my two fave anti-chafing shorts I’ve found are from Chaffee and The Big Bloomers Company. Both have some positives which is why I find it hard to choose between the two so I’ve put my thoughts below:

Ideal For: Skin Tight:Figure Hugging or more clingy Midi or Maxi Dresses and Skirts.

These were the first anti-chafing shorts (from £18) I tried many moons ago- remember them here!? After being sent a pair or two, I then bought quite a few more to add to my collection for light and dark coloured clothing. They are made with Coolmax material which is very fine and quick drying, so if l do sweat it doesn’t show when I stand up or get it on my skirt. They pull right up over my stomach which is positive with my long body and I can rely on them to stay there all day because they don’t roll down. They’re available in a few colours and in a longer or shorter length. My downside for these ones is that the shorter length ones are designed to be worn on shorter legs- so my 5 11’ frame wasn’t made for them. As I started to wear the shorter pairs more I found them rolling up because I’m too tall for them. So that leaves me with the longer pairs, which are fab for maxi and midi lengths but these are too long for mini dresses on me. That’s the downside of them and being tall!
The Big Bloomers Company*

Ideal For: Looser Clothing and Mini Skirts

I discovered these anti-chafing shorts a couple of years after Chaffree. I’ve been buying them for two years and the team sent me a pair a few weeks ago (after I’d already bought a few pairs of the new colour Aztec shorts). They now come in lots of colours which I like. Their new Aztec Shorts (£15.95) look fab in the Tobacco, Pink and Khaki colours IMO. They also offer lace trim and standard shorts. So if the wind blow and you end up doing a Marilyn then you don’t mind so much. The legs stay put not matter how high I wear them. Perfect for mini’s. This is due to the banded bottom which stretches to fit and stay put when on. The material is thicker and I do find myself getting warmer when wearing them vs Chaffree but it makes them ideal for winter nights out! The only downside to these pairs is that I can’t get the stomach to stay put when I’ve pulled them up over my belly. So I can only wear them with looser clothing as they scrunch up under my belly.
Anti Chafing Creams and Gels

Ideal For: Shorts, Swimwear and General Day Time Sun

There are quite a few creams and gels out there to do the job. I picked up Lanacane (£6.25) and it’s does pretty well for me. I still prefer the shorts option, but the cream is great for when you can’t wear them. The creams can’t be seen and allow the thighs to glide against each other rather than rub. I find reapplication is needed especially in the heat and so getting a rash is more of a risk when using a cream, as sometimes you can’t just whip it out to reapply!
Ideal For: When you don’t have anything else!
Talc for me is the OG, it dries the area and can help provide a little less resistance on the rubbing. It can also help with the sweating that thicker shorts can cause. I also find it quite soothing if the rash is already there. I read on Vogue online that the Asda Little Angels Liquid Talc is good to prevent chafing. It’s like a cross between talc and chafe cream so I’ll give it a go when I can find it and report back.
Sweat Liners*

Ideal For: Boob, Bum or general sweat and chafing

So it’s not just about the thighs, if you’ve got large boobs you may also find that your bra band chafes a little when it starts to get warm. I get little red blocked pores when it’s really hot. So when Chaffree* sent me one of their sweat liners (from £13.95) I gave it a go. It’s perfect for under the bra band. You can also put them on your back at the top of your pants or folded underarms or anywhere you get chafe from sweat really. It’s made my strapless bra comfier as I find it digs in a bit so acts as a bit of a cushion!
Now I think I’ve covered everything but if you have any tips then pop over to Instagram or Twitter and let me know your recommendations. Or let me know what you think of mine!
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