So it’s nearly here- The big D! December! Now apparently the arrival of this month tomorrow signifies the start of the socially acceptable time to put your Christmas tree up. I say ‘apparently’ as mins been up since November the 12th, and I COULD NOT CARE LESS!
In fact I rather enjoyed posting photos of my tree in all its glory below posts moaning about people having their tree up already! Soz not soz. And no we don’t get bored of it early and I’m actually enjoying the early festive spirit. We still have our hallway and everywhere else to decorate outside too but for me the tree is the main deal.
You’ll have seen on my lounge tour post that I don’t have a Christmas tree shaped hole in my decor so we had to do some shuffling of furniture to accommodate our beautiful tree. Every year people want to know where it’s from but I can only suggest you search ‘super full’ as a way of finding something a bit similar if that helps as mine is about 6 years old now at least. After parading my tree around various social media outlets to essentially show it off, quite a few people asked me for info on how I decorate it and what with etc. So I thought a little post is in order!
It won’t be a long one- all the items I’ve bought this year have been added to my Copper Christmas Pinterest Board but if you want to know specifics just shout! I always decorate my tree and my wrapping to the colour scheme of my room, so copper and monochrome with grey is this years theme.
Traditions are still important to me so our collection of doors with the years on from each year we’ve lived in our house go on every year, this years decoration is from Asda, it’s a plain Cream door with a wreath on that we I’ll be writing on 2016 on by hand as M&S stopped making the doors 3 years into our collection- obviously not a popular choice then.
We also have cardboard Cheshire cats which were from our wedding wishing tree and also a Santa that was always on my nans Xmas tree which I loved. I’ve also had a special addition of Rudolph this year which was lovingly made by my 4 year old nephew. Isnt it the best?
With regard to placement of baubles we don’t have any type of method but try to put collections of same or similar baubles down the tree in a rough zig zag so they don’t sit next to each other. We add statement baubles around the front then fill all the smaller gaps with the filler baubles which are just solid colour/glitter baubles. I highly recommend standing back every so often and don’t be afraid to move them around afterwards too! We are going to have to do it again as we’ve just bought a few new baubles we will need to accommodate on too. I am a sucker for a new Christmas decoration and go a bit mad with them I won’t lie.
Lights wise we had 2 sets of pine cone style ones we added first but then I went and bought some copper wire lights. As we’d already dressed the tree they went on top and actually I love the effect they give. They all cascade down in lines from one end of the main wire which is a little white tube so I simply popped that at the top of the tree and spread each length down the tree from there. So worthwhile buying them and think next year they will be the only ones going on.
Not the best photo but thought it showed the copper lights off the best!
And that really is it! Hopefully it’s given you some inspo and if you are decorating your tree on or after December the first enjoy and good luck! Oh and tag me in the photos on twitter won’t you? I blooming love them!