I don’t know about you but I always feel like I need a little break just before Christmas starts getting too hectic. I think as I work in retail (and used to only get one day off) I needed the break to get myself prepared for the mammoth shifts, however now I get a little longer off I still need a bit of R&R I find! So myself, Mr E and some friends went to Castleton. The main reason was that it was a friends 30th and his wife was surprising him by getting us all there for drinks and food, and it worked! So we took the opportunity to spend a few nights there to completely chill out before Christmas truly kicked in. 


We stayed at Grange Cottage with Sykes Cottages* and arrived on a wet, cold , dark and windy night, we found it thanks to a neighbour who was trying to unblock his drains as the rain lashed down, as our sat nav wouldn’t take us to the exact spot and of course we had no phone signal! So lucky for us he had blocked drains I suppose! 


It couldn’t have been more welcoming when we arrived though. The log burner in the lounge was lit , the kettle was recently boiled and tea, cake and most importantly wine was laid out for us in the kitchen.    

Of course we had to explore like the true children we are, and choose our room before our friends got there. Each room was fabulous. The decor was very boutiquey with lots of cream and grey and repainted furniture. The bedroom we chose had 2 windows overlooking the road and the massive hill just outside. I fell in love with the dressing table and wished it could’ve come home with me. I also chucked Mr E in the single bed the first night as I couldn’t cope with him sharing a Double bed! Let’s just say I needed to be on foetal position so him being there wasn’t helping! I did let him back in the next 2 nights though as I was feeling much better then.

Our friends double room was beautiful too though, it had views across the fields and more great decor. I also loved all the little details around the house like this heart charm hanging from the wardrobe key. 

The bathroom gave me major envy, the gloss grey tiles, the rain shower and the roof window were all beautiful and I could have happily spent lots of time in there! I regretted not taking some Lush bombs with me. Although there was bubble bath provided so I could have had a nice relaxing bath had I actually been bothered to run one, I was already so relaxed anyway! 


This was the only downside to a cottage- multiple head bumps!! Especially when I got out my heels for outfit shots- at lest they came with a decorative warning though!



The overall stay was just fabulous, it’s was a five minute walk into the centre of Castleton where we drank, ate and shopped the days away. The bakery has the most amazing Malteser slice and there’s a fudge shop! We also found the church where there was a festival of Christmas Trees. It was so festive. 

I am itching to return again already, I would wish for slightly less wet weather though as I just couldn’t face walking in it. You can see Mr E further down and he only went on a fifteen minute ramble! The rest of the photos sum up our little break away thanks Sykes Cottages* and Julia the owner for such a fab stay! 



*Cottge provided for review, a fab time was had by all and as always all opinions are my own.