As Spring was less than apparent outside on Monday thanks to the flurrying of snow, I decided it was time to bring Spring inside at least! I mentioned in my bedroom makeover that I was convinced that plain bedding was the way to go with our new wallpaper from Photowall Sweden, but when the gals at Christy* showed me their new designs I had to give the Haruki design in Ochre* (£79-£120) a go, and boy I’m glad I did!
It matched my Oslo throw and Paris pillowshams that the team sent me perfectly and I simply added this gorgeous ochre velvet quilted cushion by Sheffield Home from Homesense (about £15). I love how fresh it looks!
I won’t lie I was surprised to like it so much against the wall but I think there’s a good contrast, and with them both being botanical themed I think it really works! The darker shades of the blossom tie into the banana skins on the wall paper making it that bit more cohesive. Plus I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed patterned bedding too! I’m still loving my plain white sheets too but it’s nice to be able to change it up!
Bad news is, the Haruki print is limited edition- good news is its available in three colours and still available in all three, but be quick! I should also mention it feels super soft, it’s a cotton sateen on the top and 200 thread count all round so you’re getting the usual Christy quality that I am getting all the more accustomed to! It’s made me want to spend the day in bed, but to be fair after a long weekend I didn’t need much persuading…
*Indicates items provided for consideration of review. As always thoughts and opinions my own. Some photos with thanks to Luke (The Hub)