You might have already guessed from the title- today’s post is all about colouring! I do find that relaxing and centering the mind is really helpful to me so have been trying out adult colouring for about a year now. I switched from crayons to felt tips at Christmas and then treated myself to another set from TK Maxx which have finer tips for those intricate pages. There is a down side to using felts as it’s harder to shade and to get a good finish on larger areas sometimes but I put up with it. I do think you’re either a crayon or a felt person! Colouring always takes me back to weeks away as a child in a caravan at Skegness, where we were treated to a new colouring book and wax crayons/felts to while away the rainier days (so nearly everyday ha!) I used to love it so was pretty excited when it became acceptable to do it as an adult!
It was shortly after my TK Maxx bargain that I was contacted by Ivy Press to see if I wanted to review their new adult colouring books, drawn by Hennie Haworth, and host a competition so one of my readers could win a set too! Of course I couldn’t say no to that, plus it was basically fate!
Both books are based on famous capital city sights one Paris (Colour Paris) the other London (Colour London).they are large books (about 10×14 inches) and contain 20 views of the respective city in each book to colour in. Each page is one sided and can be torn out, I sometimes find that easier for colouring them but also if you create a masterpiece it can go on the wall or fridge! It was funny as I’d been discussing with Georgina about colouring and she said she wished her’s tear out so her mum could put her efforts on the wall! Theses guys must have been listening. On the back of each page rather than just being blank it explains where the drawing is of. It’s great as it give a good taste of key things to see one each city.
I loved this shot of Kings Cross as it reminded me of a photo I took when we went to London last!
There also a double spread in each one that pulls out from the book if you’re looking for a bigger challenge, I actually think it would take me a whole day to finish it!
And now for the fun bit! For your chance to win both Colour London and Colour Paris adult colouring books (worth £9.99 each) fill in the rafflecopter below. It ends at 11.59pm on Friday 8th April and I’ll notify the winner within 48 hours. The winners details will be passed onto Ivy Press so they can send out your prize! For full T&C’s and for how to enter the rafflecopter here.